Life and Career Coaching Blog

Online Resources for Your Personal and Professional Development
Holistic thinking

Holistic thinking

The word holistic comes from holism. It describes the word as “an all-embracing approach that views every aspect of a matter as a cohesive whole...

A growth mindset

A growth mindset

A growth mindset has become such a buzzword, and it refers to a belief that abilities, talents, and intelligence can be developed through efforts,...

Career plateau

Career plateau

A career plateau refers to a professional experiencing a lack of career growth, further promotion, or advancement within their current career or...

Developing leadership skills

Developing leadership skills

Leadership is the ability of leading, inspiring, motivating, influencing, and guiding a group of people, teams, or an organization toward shared...

Navigating career transition

Navigating career transition

Majority of my career coaching clients are either looking to find their career path or planning for a career change as a seasoned professional....

Effective communication

Effective communication

Let’s do an honest assessment: Most of the times when you are with others, do you just talk? Or do you communicate? Talking simply means expressing...

Overcoming imposter syndrome

Overcoming imposter syndrome

Whether you call it imposter syndrome or “feeling like a fraud,” it is defined as “anxiety or self-doubt that results from persistently undervaluing...