Coaching for Students
Step Into Your Next Chapter with Clarity + Confidence.This transition can be equal parts exciting and daunting. I’m here to shift the focus to you. Uncover your desires, passions, and motivations while making a plan of actionable steps to set you on the right path toward a bright future designed by you.
The Next Step for Students in High School, College, or Recent Graduates Who is:
- Experiencing fog or indecision about what their next step should be
- Feeling the pressure to make the “right” decision without knowing what that truly looks like for them
- Struggling under the weight of external pressures, masking what it is they truly want
- Comparing themselves to others instead of looking within to forge their path forward
- Having difficulty pin-pointing a clear vision around their future
- Stressing about finding a job after graduation that will fill them with a sense of purpose and fulfillment
Assess your skills, interests, values, and goals as a foundation for your future
Explore the options and build excitement around future possibilities
Build confidence and gain clarity around what your next step will be
Reduce anxiety about the future by designing a path forward that feels right
Empower you to forge a path to your future with self-confidence and self-trust
Your 30-minute Complimentary Coaching Call is the next step in paving the path to a future that feels right for who you are and all you want to become.
Faye’s Story
Trust me. I know the transitions can be overwhelming.
In fact, perhaps one of the biggest transitions I’ve ever experienced had to do with my education. At age 20, I left my native country of Taiwan to come to the United States as an undergraduate, later earning my MBA. It was the biggest decision I had made in my life up to that point, and that’s not even including navigating a new culture or decisions around a future-career. However scary, I knew deep within that it was the path I needed to take. While there was so much that was unknown, I knew a lot of it was filled with possibility.
I know life in the 21st century is filled with all sorts of distractions and pressures telling you who you should be. My goal is to guide you through the noise and return back to you so you can gain clarity around what you want this next chapter of your life to be. Then, together, we can work to make it happen.

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