Life and Career Coaching Testimonials

See what satisfied clients have said about working with me.

Seeing Different Possibilities

I’m writing this letter to express my gratitude to Faye for being my personal career coach in the last 3 months. I have known Faye since 2017 when we had a chance to brainstorm possible learning opportunities for students. Her sharp insights into students’ strengths and possible areas to grow impressed me a lot at that time.

That was the main reason I approached her recently to seek her career coaching advice on my new career direction while I was facing important life decisions. As I expected, Faye’s professional and constructive advice helped me have a better recognition of myself. She kindly coached me through the possible career choices by understanding my strengths and the areas to grow. Her strategic analysis allowed me to think outside of the box and see different possibilities that I never imagine and think of so that I could be able to fully unlock my potential and grow in doing what I am passionate about. 

Faye has a growth mindset and never speaks of words with negativity. Instead, through her life and career coaching framework, she helped me build up my confidence to take the challenge that growing in the areas of my strengths and weaknesses, and embrace the fear of failure that hold me back from trying new things. Being my career coach for 3 months, Faye not only lead me to overcome my personal obstacles, but also ushered in good lessons that I can carry on moving forward in life and career journey. Perhaps right now you are looking for a life and career coach like Faye to help you grow, ignite the flame of new directions for yourself, your kids or your friends. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to her.

Ted Y.

International Admissions Counselor

Thought Partner

Coach Faye has been a strong ‘thought partner’ for me. Her insightful and practical questions have helped me think deeper, see farther, and improve my outcomes and goals. It has been a big help having her in my court. 

Mike T.

Small Business Owner

Continued Growth with My Potentials

Having Faye as my life coach, my strengths and potentials were brought to the light; I not only know about my strengths now, I also have the know-how to utilized them to solve problems that had stuck with me for a long time. She helped me accomplish the goals I’d set for myself during our coaching sessions. Coaching with Faye has allowed me to see my potential and find ways to reach my goals in life.

Serena L.

Graduate School Student

Critical Analysis and Forward Movement

Faye creates a safe life coaching space that promotes critical analysis and forward movement for her clients. I personally have valued Faye’s uncanny ability to ask the questions that are uncomfortable yet necessary with a gentleness and acute interest, which has propelled me forward from so many moments of being stuck. Her extensive professional background brings a level of expertise, knowledge, wisdom, and talent to her coaching model. Faye listens to her clients with deep compassion and empathy, which enables her to ask questions of her clients that evoke a new awareness. I would highly recommend Faye!

Stephanie W.

Career and Culture Transition

Faye has been my life coach for about 6 months. Her ability to bring clarity and order into coaching conversations is extraordinary. She helped me through a career change and I deeply value her giftedness and international experience.

Ola O.

Intercultural Curator

Moving Forward

I have had the privilege of sitting under Faye’s coaching for the last several months and can honestly say I’m the better for it. Faye has a unique life coaching ability to make you feel at ease right from the beginning. Her sincere warmth and caring heart provided a safe environment for me to explore areas that I needed to take a deeper dive into if I really wanted to see change. 

Her sense of humor and positive outlook put me at ease and made it easy to talk through whatever is on my mind without any sense of judgment. By the end of each coaching session, I was armed with a plan of what “next steps” I would take to move forward towards my goals and felt confident I could reach them if I stuck to my plan. I highly recommend Faye as a Life & Career Coach and am indebted to her for the work she has helped me to accomplish during our coaching sessions together.

Lisa A.


Nurtured, Elevated and Empowered

Coach Faye is my friend, my mentor, my life/career coach, and my biggest fan. Together we challenged life and celebrated milestones as she coached me on improving my marriage, growing my business, uplifting my family, and strengthening my faith. During our journey, I was nurtured and pushed beyond my comfort zone; equipped and elevated with new knowledge; empowered and held accountable for the goals I set out to achieve. Having Faye as my life/career coach has made me realize our potential is truly limitless and each one of us is creative, resourceful, and complete. 

Johnny T.

Lead of Creative Services

A Moment of Mental-Shift

For many years, I’ve had the vision to start a critical thinking/discussion non-profit program. The idea is to gather like-minded people to explore the important philosophical questions and challenges we all encounter in life. However every time I’d get excited about this, I at the same time would be discouraged by the many logistical and resource challenges I knew were ahead of me.

After all these years, I took the first step and hired Faye to be my life coach. Faye didn’t coach me out of these challenges. Rather, Faye re-inspired me so much that these challenges actually became a series of “surprises” that made this journey even more exciting. Working with Faye gave me a moment of “mental shift” where everything became possible. We set a deadline together with clear action items and within just two weeks, the program was off to a great start with a core team of four and participants from around the world, and we’ve been going at it on a bi-weekly basis for the past 7 months.

As Faye always said: “you already have the answers, and I am just here to help you discover, embrace and run with them.” With Faye’s coaching, I quickly jumped into action and realized this dream I’d been carrying for years. Thank you coach Faye!

Spencer L.

VP of Product

Clarity and Ability

Faye coaches with deep listening and care for the whole person. Her thought-provoking questions gave me the space to explore the answers in me and enabled me to find some good surprises, thus giving me the clarity and ability to move forward with my goals. I highly recommend her as a Life Coach.

Sophia L.


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