Life and Career Coaching FAQ

Ready for life or career coaching, but have a few questions first?

At Coach Connect, I believe in the transformative power of investing in your personal or professional journey. I also want you to feel 100% certain that this is the right next step for you.

I hope you find these frequently asked life and career coaching questions helpful.

General Questions About Coaching

What is coaching?

According to ICF (International Coaching Federation), coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is best for those who are well-adjusted and emotionally healthy, yet want to make personal changes and deepen their learning about themselves and their lives. Coaching is not telling clients what to do but rather, motivating clients to evaluate, clarify, pursue, move forward and accomplish their goals, dreams and intentions.

What are the benefits of coaching?

While the benefits of coaching vary from client to client, clients report an overall increase in self-awareness, self-confidence and self-worth. They also commonly experience an increased sense of passion, motivation, and purpose in both life and work. The focus and structure of coaching provides the accountability, clarity, and confidence a client needs to overcome fears and obstacles and ultimately live a life with more purpose and passion. Learn what past clients have to say here.

What’s the difference between coaching and counseling?

With coaching, the client is the expert while the coach supports the client through self-discovery and forward movement. Coaching is about getting clients from where they are to where they want to be. With counseling and therapy, the expertise is on the counselor, helping clients reveal and understand the past in order for them to live better in the present with understanding and acceptance.

How is coaching different from consulting or mentoring?

Like counselors, consultants and mentors are experts in particular subjects or areas. With this accumulated experience or expertise, they teach and offer their clients needed solutions and advice. In coaching, the expertise is on the individual who, alongside with their coaches, will develop clarity, goals, and actionable plans to move toward their desires.

What does the coaching process look like?

Just like no two clients are the same, no two coaches are the same. I strive to provide a safe and confidential space for us to work together in-person or via a virtual call to identify opportunities, challenges and roadblocks, and then design actions toward your desired outcomes. I will challenge you and hold you accountable throughout your journey. Learn more about How It Works here.

What should someone look for when selecting a coach?

Selecting the right coach for you is an important first step. There are a few things I recommend considering when determining the right fit for you. Do you feel a sense of comfort, trust and relatability, allowing for a powerful partnership to form? Is the coach approachable, personable, friendly and helpful? Are you able to open up and confide in this person and space? What are the coach’s experiences, expertise, training, and credentials? What do their previous clients have to say about their experience?

Why is coaching growing so popular?

Coaching is one of the most cost effective ways of increasing success and productivity of both individuals and organizations. People need a new perspective, a new mindset, a new approach and a neutral partner when they are ready to make a change in any aspect of life. Coaches offer unbiased perspectives and ask tough questions with the intent of working with clients to achieve their goals and experience growth.

Can I bill coaching fees to my insurance?

Coaching services are not generally covered by insurance. However, many corporations are moving toward implementing more wellness benefits and mental health support into employee benefits packages. Check with your company if they will provide partial or full coverage for your coaching services.

How about confidentiality?

Confidentiality in the coaching relationship is absolutely critical for creating the safe space for the client to succeed. As an ICF professional, I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality and agree to comply with all applicable laws that pertain to personal data and communications, and also apply the confidentiality rules to any situation in which an ICF Professional interacts with clients, sponsors, and all parties involved in the coaching engagement as outlined in the coaching agreement.

Still Have Questions?

Feel free to send me a message, I’d love to connect.

Questions About Career Coaching

What is the purpose of a career coach?

A career coach works with you to discover the answers you need to unlock your potential and achieve your career goals. Working with a career coach helps get to the root of your desires and obstacles. Guided by expertise and intuition, career coaches work with you to find clarity, develop a plan, and forge your path forward.

What are the benefits of career coaching?

Due to the personalized nature of career coaching, the results vary from client to client. Many people’s career-related pain points and desires are rooted in deeper thoughts or fears. Career coaching can uncover one’s truth to provide the clarity, confidence, and plan needed to make the changes you want. Learn what past clients have to say here.

When do you need a career coach?

A career coach is perfect for anyone facing career-related desires, decisions or transitions. This includes, but is not limited to, considering leaving your career, desiring career advancement, seeking long-term career planning, wanting more alignment in your personal and professional life, or beginning your own entrepreneurial venture. Career coaching can provide the clarity you need to act, regardless of the goal.

How can a career coach help you?

A career coach promotes self-discovery by helping you reveal the answers within. If you are feeling stuck or uncertain, a career coach can help you find the root of your desires and obstacles. Career coaches work with you to find clarity, establish actionable goals, develop a clear plan, and forge your path forward.

Why work with a career coach?

There are many reasons to work with a career coach. These include, but are not limited to, struggling with inaction or indecision, seeking direction as you make a change, needing an accountability partner as you work toward your goals. Regardless of your specific situation, a career coach can provide the support, accountability, and guidance you need to clearly define and achieve your career goals.

What’s the difference between career coaching and career counseling?

Career counselors take an educational and directive approach, and focus on industry information and advice to help clients’ find a job. This includes helping clients refine their resume, write a compelling cover letter and prepare for interviews. Career coaches focus more on clients’ strengths, talents and passions to gain a clearer sense of what type of career will give them the most fulfillment and joy at work and beyond. Learn more about my Career Coaching Services here.

Is going to a career coach worth it?

Results vary from person to person. However, having a career coach gives you access to an experienced professional that will work with you to find clarity, make goals, and take action toward your desires in your career. If you cannot achieve the results you want on your own or don’t want to, a career coach can help.

What should you look for in a career coach?

Look for a coach whose personality is the right fit for you and makes you feel comfortable. Additionally, assess their training, experience and certifications, as well as evaluate their coaching style and methodology to ensure it will meet your needs. Read through their testimonials and inquire about their pricing and services before moving forward.

What questions to ask a career coach?

Selecting the right career coach for you is an important first step. Here are a few questions to consider asking any career coach you’re considering working with: What is your coaching process and philosophy? How can you help me achieve my goals? What are your experiences and coaching credentials? How do you define success in career and life? How do you know if I am the right client for you? What are your expectations for this coach/client relationship? What can I do to ensure I’m getting the best out of my coaching experience with you?

Whether you’re looking to find more purpose or maximize your potential in your personal or professional life, finding the right coach can make all of the difference.

Let’s walk this beautiful journey and explore the possibilities together.

Questions About Life Coaching

What is life coaching?

Regardless of age, background, and occupation, people all have one thing in common: a desire to experience fulfillment and joy in all facets of life. Whatever your goals are, a life coach helps you to make progress toward your goal, provides motivation, focus, and accountability,  and supports you in taking action toward greater fulfillment in life.Learn more about my Life Coaching Services here.

What are the benefits of life coaching?

The specific benefits of life coaching vary from client to client. Overall, clients report a higher sense of self understanding, awareness, and confidence. They are able to take charge and live a more holistic life aligned with their values and passions. Life coaching walks you through identifying goals, defining a vision, setting clear goals, and making a plan of action to achieve them. Learn how my coaching has helped past clients here.  

How does life coaching work?

Coaching sessions typically last up to an hour and can be conducted face-to-face or remotely, usually over the phone or video calls. Some meet once a week and others meet every two weeks, depending on clients’ needs with brief check-ins as needed. Additionally, there may be relevant assignments to complete in between sessions to support the achievement of your goals. Learn more about my coaching framework here.

Who needs a life coach?

A life coach can offer beneficial support to anyone who is seeking change, clarity, advancement, purpose or passion in any area of their life. These are the people who need to build a bridge between their head and heart, and close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

When to hire a life coach?

Life is filled with conflicts, challenges and changes. Life coaching can help you through feelings of confusion, indecision, self-doubt, uncertainty and unfulfillment. Life coaching is great for those looking to experience self-confidence, goal-driven action, positive change, unbiased feedback and all around increased fulfillment and joy in life.

What can a life coach do for me?

A life coach is able to offer guidance and support as you engage in deep self-discovery to gain more clarity around what you want, how to get it, and ways to overcome obstacles along the way. I can help you identify specific goals, work though limiting mindsets and fears, develop a clear plan of action and forge your path forward toward a future you want.