Meet Faye

Career and Life Coach

Accountability Partner    |    Guiding Light    |    Personal Cheerleader

I’m here for the person who is inspired to make a change but doesn’t know where to start. For the person who is standing at a crossroad, unsure of which path to take. For the person who feels lost or stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, fear, or uncertainty about what’s next.

I’m here for you.

Truthfully, I Never Thought This is Where I’d End Up

The first big decision I made for myself was at the age of 20, when I left my native country of Taiwan to pursue my post-secondary education in the US. I didn’t know it then, but that was my first step in controlling my destiny.

In 1998, I landed what, at the time, was my dream job working as a global marketing communication specialist in the high-tech industry. I had the fancy title, high-paying salary, international travel, big responsibilities – I was thriving. Yet, over time, something inside me began to shift. I was being pulled by a new calling, but couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

In 2000, I was newly married and going to open houses was one of our favorite weekend hobbies. The more I interacted with realtors and prospective buyers, the more I fell in love with the idea of people designing homes that fit their personalities. That matched who they were or wanted to become. Ultimately, I made the bold jump to leave the tech industry and pursue my new passion of real estate entrepreneurship.

I had a new sense of control over my career, and I loved helping people achieve their real estate goals. But it led me to wonder, what if people could design their lives like they design their homes? With this curiosity, I felt a pull to help others live a better, more meaningful life. To help them navigate life’s journey led by passion and purpose. 

The question was, how?

Launching Connect Coaching and Consulting.

5-months sabbatical in Hokkaido, Japan.

It was almost like I was back to my 20-year-old self, standing on the edge of possibility.

I dug deep. I got honest and evaluated my current situation. I asked myself, what do I truly want? What is holding me back? How do I move forward in the right direction for me and my family? 

It was no longer about the fancy title, the high-paying salary, or the secure position. My husband was working hard in his career, and I wanted to find a way to support my passions while giving space for him to pursue his, wherever it took us. 

The answers didn’t magically appear. However, through doing the work, calling on my truths, and illuminating my passion I was able to hear my calling loud and clear.

I began working with young professionals and teenagers as a career and education coach/consultant and something clicked. I knew this was exactly where I was meant to be. Looking back on my journey, I’ve lived and made friends all around the world, achieved financial successes, experienced multiple careers, impacted the communities around me, and let passion guide me through every stage of rediscovery. 

All this to say that, every time, there on the other side of the unknown was exactly where I was meant to be. 

My mom always told me that people thrive when they are focused on being the best version of themselves.

It took me several years to understand how true that was. To understand the power of moving past the expectations of others and the fears in our head. Instead, to let our heart and inner voice guide us to where we are meant to be.  

In hindsight, I wish I partnered with a life and career coach when I was first learning who I was meant to be. While I cannot go back and rewrite the past, I can help others write their future. I use what I know now to help others forge the path to their future with clarity and confidence.

With my husband on our 21st wedding anniversary.

My Credentials and Certifications

International Coaching Federation Credential

Master of Business Administraton

Certified Transformational Coach

Member of International Coaching Federation

Life is a Series of Changes
and Challenges

There will always be an unknown (or several) lurking around the corner. No coach and no amount of being coached can change those facts.

I’m not here to provide a solution or magic answer that will make your life easy and breezy. I am here to walk alongside you on your journey of self-discovery, self-love, and self-confidence. To show you how coaching can be used as a compass that you can rely on again and again when you’re unsure of where to turn or which path to take.

Coaching isn’t about me. It’s about you.

My Guiding Beliefs:

Possibility Lives Beyond Your Comfort Zone.

In order to step into what’s possible for you, you must first overcome the limitations you’ve unintentionally put in place. That includes limiting beliefs, expectations, and fears.

Challenge and Curiosity Lead to Purpose and Fulfillment.

Once you allow yourself to welcome challenges and chase curiosity, life can take on a whole new meaning. That’s when you can start living life instead of the other way around.

The Answers You’re Looking for Lie Within.

No one knows you better than you. I’m here to work with you to peel back the layers of who you are and what you want. Together we can devise the plan to get to who and where you want to be.

Together We Can Illuminate the Path

from Your Head to Your Heart

And open the door for more clarity, passion, and purpose in your personal and professional life.