Reinventing yourself

Dec 19, 2023

Among many definitions of “reinvent,” I like Cambridge dictionary’s the most. It says, “to produce something new that is based on something that already exists.” It further says, “to change someone or something so much that the person or thing seems completely new.” So, reinventing yourself refers to the change that makes you like a different new person.

Reasons to reinvent

No one goes through life without ever changing, therefore reinventing oneself is inevitable and necessary to take on and conquer the greater tasks in life. Below is a list of reasons one may consider reinventing him or herself. I’d love to know if any of them resonates with you.

Feeling stagnation

Whether it’s your career, relationships, passions, goals, or health, if you feel tired or tied down by your current state and desire new fresh perspectives or to reignite your passion for life, it could be a sign for you to consider reinventing yourself.

Getting out of comfort zone

Being comfortable in life no longer satisfies you, and you believe that life has a whole lot more to offer you. You know you must get out of the zone but are anxious and uncertain what to do to get yourself out of it.

Needing to change, or coping with change

Life started throwing changes at us since the day we were born. From small change such as buying a new car to big change such as planning for retirement transition, instead of letting these changes overtake you, reinvent yourself so that you are at the driver’s seat when walking through these changes.

Wanting more in life

Whether you are looking to challenge yourselves to grow, evolve and become a better version of yourself, inspire others, or make impact in your community, that desire is another sign for your reinvention.

Resetting life priorities

Life changes, so do your priorities. When your priorities shift and you need to re-adjust your focus, it may be another good cause calling for self-reinvention.

Finding purposes

As busy as you are, you have a unique, special missions and purposes in life. Reinvention could help you identify your own purposes, align your action with them and ultimately live a more purpose-driven and joy-filled life.

Tips on reinventing yourself

Reinvention is a process, and the success of it depends on your mindful awareness, intentional commitment, and devotion.

Honest reflection and awareness

The first step is to be honest with yourself, analyze your life objectively, and realize the need for reinvention. If you feel forced to change without true self-realization of the need to change, most likely, you won’t succeed. Busyness may have taken over your schedule, especially during this holiday season, but taking time to reflect and acknowledge where you are and where you want to be is the first step forward.

Vision and goals

Whether it’s about revamping your relationships, finding a new career, establishing a good and healthy habit, or learning the needed skills at work, reinvention starts with your vision and goals. I’ve written about SMART goals many times which still applies here as well. Make your vision and goals vivid and realistic. If it helps you visually, create a dream board or write them down and visit them on a regular basis to remind you of your vision and goals.

Achievable plans and actions

Come up with an actionable plan and break the journey of reinventing yourself into smaller milestones. By doing so, tasks will seem less daunting, and you are more likely to move through such change and achieve your goals with ease and confidence.

New things

Reinventing oneself is always about embracing something new; new skills, ideas, experience, aspiration, or habits. It’s about getting out of your routine and gaining some newness. Whether it’s traveling to a foreign country, volunteering at your community center, or even re-arranging your furniture for a fresh look at home, the newness will replace the stagnation and give you different vibes in life. Be open and willing, and you may see some new possibilities in the situation you are in.

Good habits go a long way

Keeping good habits requires consistency, discipline, and self-control. It’s also involved in change, adjustment, and replacement. While you are developing good habits, the traits, at the same time, create a foundation for your growth and support the journey of your self-reinvention.

Resilience and courage speak volume

Resilience and courage are vital, as resilience helps you bounce back from challenges or temporary failures while courage fuels you the needed zeal to take risks and explore possibilities. Both not only provide you with strengths, but also keep you going forward on this journey.

Right people

Relationships are powerful, and the people you surround yourself with can either lift you up or bring you down. Make sure you have the right people in your circle who will encourage, cheer, and inspire you, and, at the same time, they will offer support, accountability, and objective loving feedback.


It’s about recognizing your effort and achievement along the journey! Have you ever gone on a marathon run? If not, I bet at least you’ve watched or heard about someone who has done that. Family and friends often gather and cheer along the way as the runner starts his/her race. You get the idea of the importance of celebration.

Professional support

Having professional support offers unbiased and personalized strategies, feedback and executable plan for your desired areas of growth. In addition, objective accountability and support help you navigate challenges and enhance your chance of successful reinvention.

How long it takes to reach the goals of your reinvention varies, but the journey allows you to continue learning, explore yourself, and realize your value and purpose in life. While you are celebrating the milestones in the yearend, I sincerely wish this blogpost will also share some forward-looking ideas in the year to come.

Happy holidays to you and your loved ones!



Photo by Bankim Desai on Unsplash

About Faye Weng

Your Online Life and Career Coach

Faye Weng is an expert life and career coach who works with clients to take back control of their lives by rediscovering their passions, living/working with a clear purpose, and becoming people who can positively impact the communities around them. As your life and career coach, Faye will help you minimize noises and distractions, focus your effort and attention on the right things, execute a clear plan of action, and celebrate alongside of you when each milestone is reached. Click here to book a complimentary session.