Human mind is powerful, and it determines the attitude each one of us holds toward any situations in life. A winning mindset doesn’t mean you won’t stumble, but it helps foster your resilience, focus, dedication and positivity. It ultimately helps you take control of...
Are you anxious and uncertain about what lies ahead in the second half of your life journey? If so, you’re not alone. Midlife transition could be challenging and somewhat daunting for many; however, with an experienced coach by your side, this transition could...
When I was 9 years old, I played a trick on a family’s friend who visited my family that day. When the trick went beyond what I had expected and almost injured the person (thankfully she was okay), I immediately pointed the finger at my younger cousin who had nothing...
Fear is such a simple yet powerful word, and it can affect many areas of a person’s life. Living in fear not only limits a person’s potential, but also prohibits him/her from living life to the fullest. How is fear defined? Merriam-Webster states, “an unpleasant often...
Is asking for help hard for you? Do you feel embarrassed or incompetent when asking for help? Are you worried about people judging you, or how they may perceive you? Or maybe you had a really bad experience in the past and are reluctant to ask for help again? The...
Happy summer! I am not sure about you, but I am once again amazed by how fast time has flown by this year. It’s almost 2 months into the summer break and we have wrapped up the first half of the year. I assume many of you started out the new year with your new year...