ccoachBurnout, according to the WHO, is defined as, “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” People experience burnout may feel energy depletion or exhaustion, increase mental distance from job or feel cynical related to work, and reduce professional efficacy.

More and more people feel burnout at work. According to a Deloitte survey in 2015, 77 percent of survey respondents expressed their experience of burnout at their current job, and 83 percent said burnout negatively impacted their personal relationships. While 87 percent of respondents said they were passionate about their current jobs, 64 percent said they were frequently stressed.

Ways to overcome job burnout

Burnout could be a serious problem. If you don’t address it properly, it will affect not only your job performance, but also your physical and mental well beings, as well as interpersonal relationships. People who are burned out may experience sleep disturbances, eating disorder, sadness, high blood pressure, anxiety, or even depression.

Whether you are a perfectionist who strives for perfection, a proud contributor who identifies what you do as who you are, an achiever who accomplishes goals after goals, or a disengaged and dissatisfied employee, it’s crucial to recognize it when you experience burnout and find ways to recharge yourself.

Pay attention and acknowledge it

Knowing is half the battle, so pay attention to your emotions, sleep pattern, energy level, levels of cynicism, productivity, and/or sense of detachment. Be honest to assess and acknowledge if you experience burnout.

Know your limits and say no

Not being able to say no can very well be a cause for burnout. Avoid possible burnout by learning how to say no, take a look at my “learning how to say no” blog.

Take breaks throughout the day

Whether you take a 5- or 10-minute break in an hour, the breaks throughout the day will not only clear your head and mind, but also boost your productivity. Science Daily said that “even brief diversions from a task can dramatically improve one’s ability to focus on that task for prolonged periods.”

Taking breaks was definitely a lesson I had to learn myself, as I have the tendency to not stop working until certain time-consuming progress is achieved.

Set healthy boundaries

Establishing healthy and clear boundaries helps reduce stress, frustration, burnout and anxiety, and it furthermore promotes better care for yourself and better work-life balance. Be sure to prioritize your well beings and communicate your boundaries clearly to others.

Get organized

Believe it or not, being well organized with your tasks and schedules in your work environment and in life is crucial in managing your stress level. A disorganized or cluttered mind always welcomes chaos; on the contrary, starting the day well-organized empowers you to feel in control so you can tackle challenges more effectively.

Practice self-care

Don’t overlook the need and power of self-care. Self-care can mean different things to different people, so it’s important to identify what works the best for you. Below are some self-care strategies for your reference.

  • Get physical and exercise
  • Eat healthy and nutritious food and reduce junk food intake
  • Get enough sleep
  • Turn off your electronic devices at night
  • Set aside time to spend with your loved ones
  • Take a vacation
  • Go to the movies
  • Take a hot bath or go for a massage
  • Enjoy your hobbies and interests outside of work

Share your concerns with others

Venting and asking for help from those who you can trust is a great way to shake off some heaviness and regain energy. Oftentimes, a listening ear is just what you need at the moment.

If you clearly identify the cause of your burnout and you are ready to deal with it, talk it through with a trusted person and come up with a strategy to combat it right away. By doing so, you may end up bringing positive changes for others who are also in need, since most of the times it’s the people, not the work itself, that create the stress.

Practice mindfulness

Whether it is a breathing exercise, doing yoga, meditation, journaling, or other activities, mindful practices can help you focus on the present moment which helps reduce stress and promote well-beings.

Evaluate the job

Proactively conduct an honest and objective evaluation of your job is another vital piece of the puzzle when dealing with burnout. Is it the lack of fulfillment, the burden of excessive workload, lack of the needed knowledge and skills, poor time management, or lack of boundaries that causes you the burnout? Identify the underlying issues and make informed decisions, but never rush into a conclusion without this objective reflection and evaluation.

Don’t mistake your temporary need for a recharge for the lack of passion and fulfillment at work; however, if it’s the work itself causes you the burnout, you know it’s time to look for other opportunities.

Job burnout can make you feel defeated, helpless, and hopeless with a ton of self-doubt; however, like someone said, burnout is a state of being and not a sentence, and there are definitely ways to reduce or even overcome burnout. Apply the strategies above if you feel burned out. If you find yourself having challenges managing your burnout, talk to a mental health professional or reach out. I am your professional career and also life transition coach who can not only support what you are facing, but also set new and exciting goals for the next chapter of your life.



Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash



About Faye Weng

Your Online Life and Career Coach

Faye Weng is an expert life and career coach who works with clients to take back control of their lives by rediscovering their passions, living/working with a clear purpose, and becoming people who can positively impact the communities around them. As your life and career coach, Faye will help you minimize noises and distractions, focus your effort and attention on the right things, execute a clear plan of action, and celebrate alongside of you when each milestone is reached. Click here to book a complimentary session.