Majority of my career coaching clients are either looking to find their career path or planning for a career change as a seasoned professional. Whether you are looking to explore a completely different field of profession or planning for a near-future promotion, the thought of holding on to your current job and at the same time preparing for something new could be daunting and stressful. Some of you may even question yourself; “Is it the right move?” “Is it the right timing?” “How do I sustain my sanity while satisfying both ends and my other obligations?”

Strategies for smooth job change

Having made a couple of career changes in my own professional life, I can totally relate to such exciting yet unsettling emotions you are going through. Check out the following tips, and I sincerely hope they will provide some clarity and make your career transition a smooth one.

Assess your current job

First, access your current job and determine where your dissatisfaction comes from. Are they caused by external factors such as team culture and your boss’ management style, or personal factors such as lacking growth opportunity or skills to perform at a high and expected level? Sorting out and understanding the cause will help you determine your next step.

Remember to also objectively list what you enjoy and don’t with your current job. The list will come handy and provide insights when you contemplate what your next step will be.

Identify your why and passion

Steve Jobs said, “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” Take a step back, reflect on how you’ve been motivated and inspired up to this date, and re-examine your why and inner desires.

Explore career options without pre-existing restriction or expectation

When you conclude that changing job or industry is the way to go, don’t limit yourself by familiar jobs or industries. If you find yourself limited with possible career options, you can talk to your trusted network, mentors, or reach out to me as your career coach. We will together consider many important factors, define your value propositions, and come up with career transition plan for you!

Identify and highlight your transferable skills

During your career transition, don’t ever forget the transferable skills you have already mastered, such as communication, problem solving, leadership and interpersonal relationship skills, which are extremely valuable regardless of industries or job functions.

Be honest and be objective about your transferable skills which not only will boost your self-confidence, but it will also help you promote your suitability in your next interviews.

Identify skills need to be developed and acquired

If you are changing to a different industry, specific skills, degree, or license may need to be acquired before you make your career move.

I had a realtor client who was always passionate about gaming and software programming; however, he was stuck with real estate for 7 years without any passion simply because it paid the bills. When we identified what he really wanted to do for his future, after analyzing risks and benefits, he enrolled himself into a software coding bootcamps, put himself into the learning mode, and eventually became a successful software programmer in a completely different industry. He now not only makes more money, but he also gets out of bed excited every day. Whenever he can, he also teaches others how to code and even has free time to explore other business opportunities.


I covered the benefits and importance of networking in my previous blogpost. Once you decide on a new direction, reach out to your network of professionals, attend events and meetups to surround yourself with the right people who may give you insight into the career path you are considering. Some may even refer you to the not-yet-published internal job postings at their companies and help you prepare for interviews.

Market and open yourself up to others

Build a transition bridge between where you are and where you want to be. Reflect on your value proposition, strengths, passions, and achievements, and at the same time, look for opportunities to learn, volunteer, or freelance to accumulate experiences in the new areas of your focus. By doing so, you will internalize and gain the ability to articulate the whys and how’s of your career transition while highlighting your skills, ability, and unique experience to those who may be interested to hire you.

Make a plan and commit to yourself

Most career changes require a solid and achievable plan, and ample time for execution rather than a sudden pivot. Setting specific, measurable, attainable goals with deadlines attached to them will help you make your transition process not only accomplishable, but also enjoyable.

Clarity and steadiness are the key for making such career transition come true; it’s not how fast you can run; rather, it’s getting to the finished line that matters.

In addition to all the to dos, your plan should also include potential roadblocks along the way. By identifying the roadblocks, you can analyze them and come up with possible solutions to minimize or address them.

Allow yourself time

Depending on the scope of change you want to make, allow yourself the needed time and space for every step of your career transition. You may have to work for free just to get into the new field, work part-time to gradually gain experience, or you may have to hold on to your current job and stretch out such transition phase. Whatever is needed, allow yourself the time for the transition.

When I planned to leave my corporate job to start my own business, after assessing the resources and situation at hand, I gave myself nine months to study and secure the needed license and training while holding on to my job. Nine months was long, but it gave me the steady rhythm to work toward my goal without burnouts. It also allowed me time to map out my strategy and gave me the opportunity to save money so I had a small capital to kick off my new business.

While working toward a new career path is exciting, it could also be stressful, consuming, and overwhelming at the same time. Having the right professionals-focused career coach right next to you will support your career transition and keep you on track with your progress and accomplishment.

Everyone’s journey and reasons for career change are different and unique. It’s normal to question yourself if such career transition is even possible, if you’re too old to make such big change, or if this transition will be successful. The unsettling thoughts may scare you and prevent you from even entertaining a possible career change in your life. However, when you approach such a big life transition methodically and thoroughly, with me by your side as your career coach, it could be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done for yourself and your loved ones. If you are contemplating if it’s the time to make career change and will benefit from talking with an unbiased professional, reach out and let’s explore what’s out there for you.



Photo by Happy Lee on Unsplash




About Faye Weng

Your Online Life and Career Coach

Faye Weng is an expert life and career coach who works with clients to take back control of their lives by rediscovering their passions, living/working with a clear purpose, and becoming people who can positively impact the communities around them. As your life and career coach, Faye will help you minimize noises and distractions, focus your effort and attention on the right things, execute a clear plan of action, and celebrate alongside of you when each milestone is reached. Click here to book a complimentary session.